Smash Repair Tips
Do you plan to conduct smash repairs? Most car owners are often confused about the smash repair process. In most cases, they wonder whether their mechanics can restore the vehicle to its factory condition. Read this piece for some smash repair tips if this is your case.
Once your vehicle suffers an accident, check your insurance coverage to establish whether your insurer is liable for the damages. If your policy covers the damages, your insurer could ask you to take your vehicle to an accredited garage for repairs. However, if you use your mechanic, you pay for repairs and ask for a refund from the insurance company. If you are liable for the damages, your immediate task is to find a garage specialising in smash repairs. So, how do you choose an appropriate garage? Below are some pointers.
- Consult local car forums to establish reputable repair shops in your locality.
- If your vehicle is under warranty, contact your local dealer to determine whether you should disregard the warranty if you do not take it to the dealership for repairs.
- Visit your preferred repair shops and examine the quality of services. For instance, assess the vehicles under repair, the quality of the paint job and the available machines at the facility. For example, CNC machines can help align damaged panels.
- Inquire about value services. For instance, some garages offer courtesy cars while others have discount programs for students, disabled individuals or members of particular car groups.
Once you find an appropriate garage, the mechanics diagnose the vehicle to establish its defects. For instance, apart from body damage, your car could have suffered suspension, engine or transmission damage. The mechanics then draw a list of the vehicle defects, recommended repairs and the project timeframe. Moreover, they give a comprehensive quote. Once you consent to the quote, they begin the repair work.
Usually, smash repairs involve stripping and repairing damaged body panels. The mechanics assess the damage on the panel and decide whether to repair or replace the part. For instance, if your bumper has slight damage, the mechanics could sew it and use body filler to seal the stitched areas. However, it only makes sense to buy a new bumper if it has extensive damage that could affect fitting and appeal after repairs.
Once the mechanics have finished the body repairs, they commence the paintwork. Typically, the mechanics examine the body for slight imperfections, such as dents and cuts, that need repairs before painting the vehicle. They then apply primer, a base coat, a final coat and clear. At your request, the professionals could also buff the car or apply a ceramic cream to give the vehicle a glossy finish.